Earlier this month, oil prices returned to pre-pandemic levels. The price is hovering around $60 per barrel, vis-à-vis $20 per barrel in April, 2020. Brent crude Futures has risen by more than 50% since October, 2020. Will we have to keep paying more? It depends on OPEC+ meeting scheduled for next month. ['+' refers to Russia] Saudi Arabia 'doesn't want to increase supply'. Russia 'wants to proceed with supply increase'. An 'artificial shortage' is draining up the prices. 1. Saudi Arabia cutting production: In Jan, 2021 Riyadh holds back 1Million barrels. 2. Winter storm in Texas: Texas is an oil state in US. This storm has freeze 40% of America's production. Oil producers losing money Biggest oil companies bleeding with losses. Oil exporters are still hurting. Why the price jump is not good enough? Oil prices expected to remain below $50/barrel through 2022 per World Bank estimate. Gulf countries reel under the pandemic shock. - Average Budget d...